point Erin pools

KIA Ora blogger’s Leonidas here. here is my writing

My Writing: when I got there at point erin pools  my heart started beating fast I was scared of the diving board it looked so scary. But when  I saw the bouncy parkour obstacle  I was happy like a dog. my heart stopped beating and I ran like a cheetah to the bouncy parkour  obstacle but when I was doing it I slipped and fell into the pool. It was so funny a smile appeared on  my face.

which sentence do you like the most?

blog ya later


ponder 9

malo,e,lelei blogger’s the explores is a  book is about 4 kids that are stuck in  the amazon forest and they met a explore who lived in a secret city.

did you read the explore book how was it?

blog ya later

😁 ponder 9😁

malo,e,lelei blogger’s Leonidas here here’s some top tips to survive in the jungle collect rain water. build a shelter before night falls. create a weapon or tool for making things and to hunt. and yea thats some tops tips to survive in the jungle.

do you have some top tips of how to survive in the jungle?

blog ya later.

ponder 7

Malo,e,lelei Blogger’s Leonidas here I will be the size of a whale because I like being big and its really cool.

would you rather shrunk down to the size of a bug or become the size of a whale?
blog ya later.


ponder 7

Malo,e,lelei blogger’s Leonidas here. if I was one of the characters I will be max because hes very funny and I think hes cool.

if you will one of the charters in the book which one will you be and why?

blog you later.

ponder 6

Malo,e,lelei bloger’s Leonidas here I will have a robot because it comes in handy like it can help around the house and you can change the robot by putting the clothes that wear for work and  the robot can do your job for you and you can just relax and watch netflix so that’s why I picked robots because they come in handy of your late for school they can just reversed time and then you be late but with a jetpack or you can do is just fly.

would you rather have your own robot or a jetpack?

blog ya later.

ponder 5

Malo,e,lelei Leonidas here I will have the ability to read minds because when you fly those not even cool you can just fly but when you can read minds you can see what everyone is thinking about and if you think there lying you read their mind to see if there telling the truth.

would you rather have the ability to fly or have the ability to read minds?

blog ya later.

ponder 5

Malo,e,lelei blogger’s Leonidas here. and yea I will because you know you need food so you can survive you need water to drink so you won’t get dehydrated and to clean yourself because you might be stinky so you need to clean yourself.

if there’s piranhas, and electric eels in the rivers will you still go to the rivers to clean yourself and to hunt food?

blog ya later.

explorer ponder 3

Malo,e,lelei Blogger’s Leonidas here if I crash  and I find my self in a strange place I will would feel really scared I will panic because I don’t even know where am I and feel sad because we crash.

if you were in a plane and crash and you find yourself in a strange place how would you feel?

blog ya later.